Monday, July 7, 2008

Lemuria the Lost Continent

Lemuria Legendary lost continent of the Indian Ocean said to be the original Garden of Eden and the cradle of the human race.

The theory of the existence of Lemuria arose in the nineteenth century, when natural scientists sought to explain Darwin's theory of evolution of similar species from a common ancestor. It was suggested that a land bridge once existed during the Eocene Age from the Malay Archipelago to the south coast of Asia and Madagascar, thus connecting India to southern Africa. The theory explained why such animals as the lemur are found primarily on Madagascar and in parts of Africa, but also in India and the Malay Archipelago — hence 'Lemuria'.

Occultists applied the term to an ancient continent which was the main center of activity in the early history of humanity. Madame Helena P. Blavatsky, cofounder of Theosophy, believed that Lemuria had been inhabited by the Third Root Race of humankind, whom she described as fifteen-feet-tall, brown-skinned hermaphrodites with four arms; some had a third eye in the back of the skull. Their bizarre feet, with protruding heels, enabled them to walk either forward or backward. Their eyes were set far apart in their flat faces so that they could see sideways. They had highly developed psychic powers and communicated by telepathy. Their continent, which covered most of the southern hemisphere, broke up and was destroyed — only fragments were left, such as modern Madagascar, the Seychelles, Easter Island and Australia. The Lemurians migrated to Atlantis, where they evolved into the Fourth Root Race. Like the Lemurians, the Atlanteans fled the destruction of their own continent, spreading to other lands and starting the present Fifth Root Race. Earth is destined to have Seven Root Races. According to later Theosophists, notably W. Scott-Elliot, the Lemurians went through an egg-laying phase, then they bred sexually with beasts, resulting in today's great apes, and eventually became Cro-Magnon man.

Philosopher and occultist Rudolf Steiner, using information he said came from the Akashic Records, said Lemuria extended from Ceylon to Madagascar, and had included parts of southern Asia and Africa. He also described the Lemuria was the telepathic Third Root Race, who initially had no memory. the goal of Lemurians was to develop will and clairvoyant power of imagination in order to control the nature. Lemuria wae destroyed by Volcanic activity.

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